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Mission and goals

BDC Business Development Consulting was established to help its clients use the latest management methods to better perform everyday tasks. Our mission is to support Clients in the process of transformation and implementation of changes in the company. Using international experience in process optimization using the Lean Manufacturing methodology, we provide tools to improve the effectiveness of processes and increase the awareness of employees responsible for individual tasks.
  • BDC consultants know that failure to act means reversing, as competition is moving forward.
  • All actions by traditional methods cause progress to progress but not enough – others go further,
  • Only the Kaizen methodology, that is, a good change will allow you to maintain, improve or achieve the position of a leader.
Methodology description
  • Lean Manufacturing implementation tools in production processes.
  • Optimization of project management EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction).
  • The use of Lean tools as arguments when implementing the requirements of the new IATF 16949: 2016 standard.
Customer service
BDC consultants know that customer service is a special task and only professionalism, experience and high personal culture can be used during business contacts. Each of the Business Partners is supported by us at the highest level and the negotiations necessary at the implementation process, occurring at various levels of the company are always solved with respect for the opinion and point of view of the other party. This makes the use of arguments based on the experience of other entities – facilitates the task of implementing the necessary transformation, minimizing the natural fear of employees from change.